How much more fun could it get? Especially considering the timing with my dual core upgrade and 1GB RAM. So you could imagine how excited I was at the opportunity, when I was invited right after my speech at FOSS-Ed for hackers.
Getting machines for the setup was the event was a bit of a hassle due to the hardware being pretty new and the machines donated by University of Moratuwa still running Fedora Core 4. Ultimately I was able to convince an upgrade to FC5, which fixed most of the 3D grahic issues. On my notebook, I had to do a quick install of Ununtu since I didn't have time to get 3D working on Gentoo (its working now).
As for the game, I ended up going with the quake 3 demo as it performed very well on the intel based grahic cards we had with the Opensource driver. Unfortunately there were some problems when I plugged my notebook to the projector and so had to use a desktop to play the game :(. This too was quite a challenge as I had to look at a not_so_bright projected screen, where the enemy could barely be seen.
After spending an hour or so explaining how to optimize the system for gaming on Linux, we didn't get much time to actually play the game. Luckily for me. we played the game long enough for me to tie the score with my LAN opponent.....phew~

For more pictures: see all photos from LKing